
Refreshment stands

Banner tracks Tierra Estella Epic
Icono club strava Epic

Gold nutrition will be in charge of the liquid refreshments during the race offering its isotonic drink.

Logotipo Gold nutrition

Solid refreshments will consist of fruit (bananas and oranges), sweet pastries, jellybeans and dried fruit.

Teams: To access to the assistance areas for participants, an accreditation must be obtained at the permanent office located in the town´s Sports Centre. You can get the accreditation during the same hours as the bib pick-up. It is compulsory to present a valid cycling license.

Bike marathon

Gráfico puntos avitullamiento

middle distance

Gráfico puntos avitullamiento

Photo of refreshment


At the end of the race, all participants will be able to enjoy refreshments at the finish line and a final meal.

Photo of refreshment

Finish meal

La comida final se celebrará en el polideportivo de Ayegui y consistirá en un plato de pasta, postre y bebida.

Location of refreshment stands