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Epic MTB
Bike Marathon
and Middle distance

Tierra Estella Epic is a sporting event aimed at mountain bike enthusiasts, which runs along the trails and singletracks of Tierra Estella / Lizarraldea.

Developed in Ayegui, a village located in the centre of Navarra, the are two race options; “the competitive”, which belongs to the C1 category of the UCI cycling calendar, takes place along a route of 89.3km approx. in length. On the other hand, in the cyclotourist version you can choose between two routes: the same of the competitive one or another easier one called “Medio Fondo (MF)” with a little more than 50 km approx. in length.

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4th October
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2 modalities
Competition and Cyclotourism
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Epic MTB 2023
Oficial Vídeo

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